Introduction to ELSTER (for employees)
Elster is a project launched in 1996 by the German tax administrations of all Länder and the Federal Government to process tax returns via the Internet.
Tax forms in printed form were provided for the last time for the 2019 assessment period in 2020, until then all users had to switch to "My Elster" or other tax programmes.
The online tax office allows you to submit your tax data (for example the income tax return) completely paperless. All you need is an Internet browser, saving you the trouble of downloading, installing and updating extensive programmes. Use is only possible after registration with an electronic certificate:
For our tax returns, we can no longer do without ELSTER. It is the platform for secure communication with the tax office and at the same time the basis for the digital tax return. The aim of this course is to show the possibilities of communication with the tax office as well as to explain the systematics of the tax forms in the digital form.
- Application and registration for ELSTER
- Communication with your tax office
- the digital tax return and its structure
- the income tax return and its annexes
- Practical examples and the preliminary tax calculation
The aim of this workshop is to take away your fear of preparing a digital tax return. In addition, the basics of income tax law and tax terms such as income, income-related expenses, special expenses, etc. will be explained. If desired, a follow-up date can be arranged to consolidate the acquired knowledge.
This seminar does not include tax advice!
More information on dates and prices will be published shortly.