sozialerstuhl | Social institutions

Social institutions

From iPhones and iPads right down to professional drones for official police, rescue and safety operations, we supply technical materials to private daycare centres, retirement and care homes, hospitals, mobile care services...and even rescue organisations, such as the German Sea Rescue Society (DGzRS), the German Life Saving Association (DLRG), the German Red Cross (DRK), Johanniter, Malteser, ASB, Caritas and Diakonie...

Instead of hiring an expensive IT employee to provide this technical support, "sozialerstuhl" offers private social institutions state-of-the-art equipment to buy or rent. The advantage of rental for customers lies in the service all coming from a single source, no depreciation of the equipment, and adjustment of the rental contracts in line with personal needs.  These rental fees can be added onto the project based on exact requirements and can be cancelled on a monthly basis.

Drones are increasingly being used in search and rescue and have become an important tool in rescue operations in recent months. They are used when searching for people, fighting fires and monitoring natural disasters.

Our technical offers for purchase or rental

Laptops / Netbooks


Timekettle translators